Thursday, February 6, 2014

Finals are over !

It's me..Anreea haha, I'm back :)

I know I went MIA for the last month and I am sorry for that, but I've been extremely busy.
In case you didn't know, I'm a second year university student and during this time it's finals time :(
Today I had the last one and I scored a 10..YEY happy me!

The second best part about finals being over after knowing that I will be able to sleep and chill without feeling guilty of procrastinating instead of studying is that I will have more time to post here!

I will be back soon with more posts, hopefully some interesting and entertaining ones. Till then, I wish you a great day/ night! 

Thank you for reading!
xx Andreea


Sunt eu..Anreea haha, am revenit :)

Stiu ca am disparut fara urma sau semn in ultima luna si imi pare rau, dar am fost extrem de ocupata. 
In caz ca nu stiati, eu sunt anul al doilea la facultate si in perioada asta se desfasoara sesiunea de examene :(
Astazi am dat ultimul examn si spre fericirea mea l-am promovat cu nota maxima..YEY!

Cea mai buna parte pe langa faptul ca o sa pot sta linistita fara sa ma mai simt vinovata ca pierd timp pretios in loc sa invat este ca o sa am timp din nou sa postez pe blog! 

As vrea sa incerc sa postez mai des atat in romana cat si in engleza. Ce parere aveti? 

Am sa revin in scurt timp cu postari noi si sper ca vor fi unele interesante si placute. Pana atunci, va doresc o seara cat mai placuta!

xx Anreea 

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